Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fitting in the Star Trek way.

    So, basically all of my immediate family members are Trekkies, and I never really fit into that. I mean, sure I loved the 2009 re-boot, but I could never really get into the older ones. Plus, one movie doesn't really qualify for Trekkie status.
    Wednesday Night I was over at my aunt's house. After finishing the last ep. of Castle for the night, I promptly realized that there was nothing of real interest on. My aunt proceeded to ask if I'd be ok with watching Star Trek: Voyager. As I was a guest at her house, I couldn't very well say no, so for awhile I played around on my iPod. Then, over the next few days, I made the "mistake" of looking up too many times. Conclusion? I am now on my way to becoming a Trekkie. Thanks, Janet! (Harry's my favorite!)